Second Hand Uniform Policy

*** Change of Second Hand Uniform Policy - Effective from 1st June 2018 ***
Please note that from 1st June 2018, the Uniform Shop will no longer sell second hand uniforms, with the exception of the formal school Blazers.
To assist there are a number of avenues to source second hand uniforms, such as:
- Facebook "Brisbane State High (BSHS) Uniform & School Supplies"
- Gumtree
- Ebay
Donations - Please give all uniform donations to the school chaplain, located in B Block on the Upper Campus.
Second Hand Clothing Policy for Acceptance of Stock
All blazers submitted for sale in the BSHS Uniform Shop are subject to the following standards and considerations. Only clothing which passes these criteria will be accepted for sale at the nominated pricing**.
(**Nominated pricing is set by the P & C Association as a fair and reasonable price in line with P & C Policy)
- Garment is current regulation school uniform.
- Garment is dry cleaned and pressed.
- No animal hair is to be present on the blazer.
- All embroidery/school logos are still school colours (No bleaching or fading).
- No stains or discoloration evident on garment.
- All buttons are on garment and are in working order.
- No holes, pilling or fraying on garment.
- All hems are intact.
- The final decision on acceptance of the garment for sale is at the discretion of the Uniform Shop Manager.
- Blazers will be held for a period of twelve months. On expiry of holding period, any garment which has not been sold will either be returned to the seller or disposed of (in accordance with the seller’s decision recorded on submission). It is the seller’s responsibility to organize collection of any unsold garments. Any garment which is not collected within one month of expiry will be subject to disposal at the discretion of the Uniform Shop manager.
- Remittance of payment for garments sold (less 25% commission) will be processed within one month of date of sale. The seller’s account details must be supplied for transfer by Electronic Funds Transfer. No cheques will be issued.
- No new blazers will be received during the December or January "back to school" period. Garments will only be processed after the second week of February each year.
- BUYERS BEWARE. Second hand items purchased are at the buyer’s risk. No exchanges or refunds are available on this stock.
Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the uniform shop on 3291 4137 or